I'm messing around with character sets and character set conversions, and have a problem getting it to work in servlets. Installing an additional Charset requires entries in the file java.nio.charset.spi.CharsetProvider in META-INF/services. My problem is in understanding exactly WHAT META-INF directory I should place this file in...

So far, the only way I've been able to get things to work properly, is to unpack the $CATALINA_HOME/bin/bootstrap.jar, add my Charset, CharsetProvider, CharsetEncoder and CharsetDecoder classes to it, change the META-INF, and re-pack the bootstrap jar. However, this does seem a rather "hacky" way to get things working...

Actually, I found that James Manger had exactly the same problem about a year ago. I include his original posting, as it formulates the problem rather well:

I would like to use a non-standard character set for selected operations
within a servlet.  I have implemented a CharsetProvider, Charset,
CharsetEncoder & CharsetDecoder.

I can use my new character set from a Java application by listing the
CharsetProvider class name in the following file within the application JAR.
(see API for CharsetProvider)

My application (without any particular "import" statements) can make calls
such as:
        String msg = "Hello, World!";
        byte[] encoding = msg.getBytes("MY-CHARSET");

I cannot get these lines to work in a servlet -- the
msg.getBytes("MY-CHARSET") throws:
        java.nio.charset.UnsupportedCharsetException: MY-CHARSET

QUESTION: How do I tell the system running my servlet about my character

Adding a JAR with the character set (and META-INF... file) to the jre/ext/
directory makes the character set available to all Java apps - but not to
the servlet!  Adding the JAR to tomcat/common/lib/ did not seem to work

My servlet can see my CharsetProvider class, but my CharsetProvider is not
"registered" with the system (and it needs to be "registered" for
String.getBytes("MY-CHARSET") to work).

[JWSDP 1.0_01, J2SE 1.4.0_01, Tomcat 4.1.2, SunOS 5.6]

James Manger

Unlike James, I'm using J2SE 1.4.1_02-b06, Tomcat 4.1.18 and RedHat 8.0.

Happy for any clue anyone may be able to provide!


- Johan

  Johan Krisár,

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