Hi everyone,
I am trying to compile  mod_jk on a sparc solaris 8 system and get the
following error. I'm 
using apache 2.0.47 and tomcat 4.1.27. apache compile just find and is
working great. 
I found a mod_jk-2.0.42.so binary, but I can't get the two talking with it.
So, I'm trying to compile.
Can some one tell me what the tag configuration is? I've looked everywhere.
    [mkdir] Created dir: /export/connectors-4.1.27-src/jk/build/jk/apache2
       [so] Compiling 19 out of 19
Compiling /export/connectors-4.1.27-src/jk/native/apache-2.0/mod_jk.c
       [so] Compile failed 1
       [so] Command:libtool --mode=compile cc -c -o
-I/opt/msadmin/apache2/include -I/opt/msadmin/j2sdk1.4.1_02/jre/../include
       [so] Output:
       [so] libtool: compile: unable to infer tagged configuration
       [so] StdErr:
       [so] libtool: compile: specify a tag with `--tag'
file:/export/connectors-4.1.27-src/jk/native/build.xml:134: Compile failed

Rick Bradberry
NCR WCS Managed Services 
Telephone: 937-848-2203
Cell Phone: 937-367-1879
efax: 413-674-7094

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