I have an app in which users do not have to login, but each user does have its own session.

I tried to come with a way to detect whether the users current session has expired, but I can't seem to find a way to differentiate between 'no' session and an 'expired' session.

What I had was:
if (request.getRequestedSessionId() != null && !request.isRequestedSessionIdValid()) {

this works, as long as the servlet is not called from a different context in which another session is already active.

If I use a sessionlistener to flag somewhere that the session for a certain session id is no longer valid, this 'flag'repository will keep on growing, it would probably take forever to cause problems, still is doesn't seem like a good solution.

Why isn't there something like session.isValid(); so that request.getSession(false) returns a session object which can be queried for validness? Now it returns null, which makes it a bit hard to determine session history.


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