No, that's not the answer.

Ajp13Connector is always disabled by default in Tomcat 4.1.x. CoyoteConnector on port 8009 is enabled by default.


Cristopher Daniluk wrote:


And I didn't touch the Connector Classname entry in server.xml:

    <!-- Define an AJP 1.3 Connector on port 8009 -->
    <Connector className="org.apache.ajp.tomcat4.Ajp13Connector"
               port="8009" minProcessors="5" maxProcessors="75"
               acceptCount="10" debug="0"/>


Notice the <!-- before the connector, and the --> shortly thereafter.

That's a comment, so you have that Ajp13Connector commented out at the
moment :)

Try removing the <!-- and --> from around the Connector tag and restart

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