Our project is based on Tomcat but we have a standalone server component that I need some help with. Sorry if off-topic, have not had much luck elsewhere.

Anyway, I will have a standalone java server (which some tomcat webapps will be talking to). What I need to do is some advanced scheduling based on time. I basically need some mechanism based on time where I can run tasks on a schedules basis. UNIX cron is a vague example, but what I need must be more accurate and reliable. (ie, UNIX cron, if you have 10 jobs schedules to start at 12:01pm, there is no gurantee as to what second they will actually spawn)

For example, I have an SNMP agent that will wake up every 15 seconds, do it's thing, and then sleep for another 15 seconds. There will also be many other agents all will different polling periods that are user customizable.

I would like to work in units of milliseconds. Can anyone point me to some resources/websites/example code that can assist me in this endeavor? I am relateively new to Java but have a lot of C/C++ in my background. I am now a Systems Engineer and am designing a network monitoring package. (if you are familiar with opennms, www.opennms.org, then you will know what I mean)

Thanks for any help,

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