I'm moving a server from 4.0.6 to 4.1.27 and I noticed something strange about the included 4.1.27 documentation. In the JNDI Resource HOWTO, the section on JDBC resources doesn't explicitly add a "factory" parameter, and it also says this about DBCP support:

NOTE - The default data source support in Tomcat is based on the DBCP connection pool from the Jakarta Commons subproject. However, it is possible to use any other connection pool that implements javax.sql.DataSource, by writing your own custom resource factory, as described below.

I was thinking that maybe now there's a default factory that can handle things, but now when I run the App I get an exception:

Cannot load JDBC driver class 'null'

Which makes me think the default factory is not correct. So is the documentation wrong, or are there cases where it can work with the default factory?



Derek Chen-Becker
Senior Network Engineer
CPI Corp, Inc.
1706 Washington Ave
St. Louis, MO 63103
Phone: 314-231-1575 x6014
Fax:   314-613-6724
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