There are many great HOW TO's the problem is that some of the pieces are not working 
or impossible
to find.  

Some how tos.

Collections of RPMs

I have not ever had any problems doing Tomcat/Apache/JDBC/MySQL/SSL, except these last 
few times
at it has been problems with corupt downloads and incompatible mod_jk, and its a pain 
trying to
find any mod_jk.  So if you find it make sure it is compatiable with your version of 
Apache, or it
wont work.

BTW has anyone seen the verison for Apache 2.0.40?

--- Schalk <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi there
> Can anyone help with configuring Apache and Tomcat so they can talk to each
> other. I have successfully installed PHP but my main concern is having
> Apache and Tomcat talking/exchanging
> Any help will be appreciated.
> Kind Regards
> Schalk Neethling
> Volume4.Development.Multimedia.Branding
> emotionalize.conceptualize.visualize.realize
> Tel: +27125468436
> Fax: +27125468436
> web:

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