Bottom line is that, if you want Log4j logging to work properly, make sure log4j.jar is in WEB-INF/lib.

I had unwanted Debugging-Output from org.apache.commons.Digester and org.apache.commons.Digester.sax that made it impossible to continue to work. Everytime i started Tomcat i had to wait 10 minutes for the initialization of a tag library, because of that crap debug output.

This was the solution indeed. Thanks.


Jacob Kjome schrieb:

Quoting Lukas Bradley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

Does Tomcat 4.1.24 initialize a Log4J instance? It seems as if something


stepping on my Log4J properties, and I don't know where it is. The first
thing my application does is start the plugin, but here is my log:

It's actually Commons Digester.  When I set it to a DEBUG level, it goes
CRAZY on the log.

Is there any way to ensure that my log properties get set before Digester

That Depends. Where do you have Log4j; in common/lib, WEB-INF/lib, or both? Is digester in your WEB-INF/lib or is it Tomcat's copy of digester which reads the server.xml and other xml config files? Note that the trouble is usually the fault of commons-logging which messes things up significantly. Do you have commons-logging in your WEB-INF/lib?

Bottom line is that, if you want Log4j logging to work properly, make sure log4j.jar is in WEB-INF/lib. Then, nothing else will step on your configuration except for, possibly, other 3rd party libraries in WEB-INF/lib that perform Log4j configuration (which is a big no, no...general libraries shouldn't be performing Log4j configuration, they should leave that to your application). Put your config file in WEB-INF/classes for default log4j configuration or put it wherever and load it yourself. I suggest using a servlet context listener to load configuration upon startup.

Anway, until you detail the setup of your application, I can't tell you much more.

BTW, you really should remove Xerces from WEB-INF/lib. This should be loaded from common/lib. The explanation has been detailed on the list many times before so I won't go into it.



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