Thanks, Filip.

I'll try the changes you suggested.

Now, if I could just get someone to tell me why apache
Alias and Rewrites are not working with tomcat...


--- Filip Hanik <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> yes,
> the JkMount command looks like this
> JkMount context workername
> so the autogenerated ajp12 is just the worker name
> "ajp12"
> in the file you can change the
> protocol that the worker
> is using.
> the property file has the following format
> worker.<workername>.<propertyname>=<value>
> worker.ajp12.port=8007
> worker.ajp12.type=ajp13
> so just change the last line to use ajp13. now you
> have to modify server.xml
> to start a ajp13 connector on the port 8007 and
> change the port for ajp12.
> the nice thing with the autogenerated file is that
> your webapps can be
> dynamic.
> but if you need to do a lot of fancy stuff, you
> should create your own file
> for the mod_jk configuration.
> try playing around with it, and if you have a
> specific problem let me know
> and I can help you out.
> Filip
> ~
> Namaste - I bow to the divine in you
> ~
> Filip Hanik
> Software Architect
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Mel Martinez" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Sent: Tuesday, February 13, 2001 2:32 PM
> Subject: ajp12 vs ajp13 & mod_jk.conf-auto
> > Question:
> >
> > what determines whether ajp12 or ajp13 will be
> > specified for a jkmount statement in the
> > auto-generated mod_jk.conf-auto file?
> >
> > I.E., it always generates statements like:
> >
> > JkMount /myapp/servlet/* ajp12
> > JkMount /myapp/*.jsp ajp12
> >
> > I've even tried disabling all reference to ajp12
> from
> > server.xml and but that had no
> > effect.
> >
> > Is the only way to force the use of Ajp13 to
> manually
> > edit the mod_jk.conf file?
> >
> > Should I even be worrying about this?
> >
> > Thanks,
> >
> > mel
> >
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