ok.  i have found my elusive problem.  our client has a site with fairly
moderate usage.  and over the years we have changes the site a fair bit.  it
seems that the problem stems from requesting a jsp file that is no longer on
the server - once the 404 is logged, the apache <-> tomcat connection does not
terminate.  it stays running, and  starts to consume cpu time.  a sufficient
number of these will over time, bring the machine to a crawl - to a point
where it is almost impossible to even login via ssh or even locally.  Time to
read the conf file to see what we can do about 404 error documents.


On Sat, 30 Aug 2003 16:52:21 -0400, Sai Sivanesan wrote
> We have a box[P3/700/512MBram] serving JSPs, with about 20 virtual 
> hosts - and the server comes to a grinding halt after about 12-18 
> hours.  The server gets about 30K hits per week, so it not exactly overloaded...
> versions:
> RedHat 7.2
> Apache 1.3.20
> Tomcat 3.2.1
> mod_jk.so mod_jk.so-ap1.3.27-eapi-rh72
> processes seem to persist longer than they should.  here is a line 
> out of top: 12568 root      18   0 25300  24M  7924 S     3.8  4.9 
>  56:19 java
> anyone have similar experiences?
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