Just to expound on this point:

> -----Original Message-----
> From: news [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Bill Barker
> Sent: Saturday, September 06, 2003 10:43 PM
> Subject: Re: Servlet front page without redirect - Tomcat 4.1 
> with mod_rewrite and mod_jk2
> This can be done for:
> 1) TC 3.3.2-dev with a non-default setting.
> 2) TC 5.0.9+ with default settings.

The reason 5.x allows you to do this, is because it follows the 2.4
Servlet spec, which now allows servlets to be included in the
welcome-file list (where before, it was only HTML or JSP).  So if you're
completely desperate to have this functionality, and a simple META
refresh from index.jsp will NOT do...  can you upgrade to the 5.x
For Bill: What's the 3.3.2 hack?  And why was it taken out?

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