I have setup a test box on our internal network with jmeter to generate some
load - will monitor it over the next few days and post my results.  Stay Tuned.


On Mon, 8 Sep 2003 09:23:30 +0100 , Walker Chris wrote
> Now that's interesting.  I've been following this thread because 
> I've just installed a new application on a Sun Cobalt 
> (Apache/mod_webapp/Tomcat) server.  It's the only application on the 
> server, and nobody's using it yet, but the server monitor keeps 
> mailing me about high memory usage.
> But part of the Cobalt environment seems to be a repeating job that checks
> the web server status by trying to get a page every half-hour or so. 
>  The page isn't there, so it gets a 404, which is fine as far as the 
> monitor is concerned, but I wonder what that's doing to my server resources?
> The answer, I imagine, is to make sure the dummy JSP is always present.
> Chris Walker

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