Seems a bit cheeky: the question "how do I send SMS messages using Tomcat?"
is really "how do I send SMS messages using Java?" and there are probably
more relevant mailing lists for that question.  Anyway, presumably your
mobile phone can impersonate a Hayes modem, so you need to open up your COM
port and write Hayes commands to dial the number you want.  Then you need to
write your SMS message.  This is a standard, so you need to obtain the
appropriate standards documents.  Then you hangup the phone, again using
Hayes commands.

An alternative is to use a web-based SMS service, such as the one on Lycos,
and then post the appropriate data to the URL.  There are commercial
services available as well - do a Google search.

Here's a link to a JMS discussion thread which has an example of using a
web-based SMS service:

BTW, the Tomcat way to talk to a mobile phone is to serve WML pages.

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