The jsp spec says this:
"All attributes of a custom action must be JavaBeans component properties,
although some properties may not be exposed as attributes. The attributes that are visible to the JSP translator are exactly those listed in the Tag Library Descriptor (TLD)."

I would think the use of *exactly* as meaning case-sensitive.

When in doubt perl can save the day ...
perl -pi -e 's/maxLength="/maxlength="/g;' *.jsp


Ben Anderson wrote:

I'm moving a Struts webapp from Weblogic to Tomcat. The problem I'm now having is that it seems like Tomcat enforces case sensitivity for the TLD tags.
For instance
<html:text maxLenth="5"/>
in the api for these tags, it should actually be maxlength and not maxLength.
weblogic doesn't care, but tomcat does. It would be a big chore to have to change all of these tags because our app is already done. Is there anyway to shut this off in Tomcat?

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