Hello Seth!

SN> All,

SN> OS: Sparc-Solaris 9
SN> JDK: 1.4.0_02
SN> Tomcat: 4.1.27

SN> Problem:
SN> I start tomcat and it takes up about 45MB of RAM.  I wrote a script to email me 
every ten minutes the amount of memory it's taking up.  The results are showing me 
that it gains about 1MB every 10
SN> minutes or so (on average).  If I let it go, it will grow until it runs out of 

You really get an OutOfMemoryException?

I would expect that memory consumption would grow and grow
untill it reaches something near the allowed maximum and then
garbage collection would break in and free some of already
allocated memory. (Of couse it won't give it back to the OS,
but it will be free for processing further requests by Tomcat

In other words I would expect that memory
consumption would stabilize somewhere near the allowed maximum.

Does this happen? Or do Tomcat threads really die with an


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