Sorry about the last post, hit the wrong key.

I've never had problems using V3 certs with Tomcat (at least using a 1.4
JVM).  (Ok, I'm lying:  there was a bug using PureTLS with certain V3 certs
at one point).  In any case, Tomcat delegates cert handling to JSSE, so any
problems would be with all Java programs.

"Adrian Beech" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> G'day all,
> Earlier today we were advised by a bod from another section in our
> organisation that there is a known compatibility issue with Tomcat and
> version 3 certificates.  Apparently he had been advised of this from
> someone at Verisign.
> Does such an issue really exist and if so is it solely a Tomcat issue or
> is it a result of something not quite working correctly in a particular
> JDK version?
> I find it a bit hard to believe that this claim is true.  However as I'm
> no expert in the area I thought I'd pose the question before dismissing
> it out of hand.  If such issues do exist I'd like to know where to find
> further information relating to the situation, scenario and/or
> workarounds.
> Thanks if you can shed some light on this one!
> AB

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