"Rau NF" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> Hi - Since tomcat implements a thread per connection
> model (as per the spec), would it be open to a DoS
> attack if it does not have an Apache server in front
> of it ? ie keep all threads busy servicing slow
> requests and valid users can't get in.

On my tests, Tomcat stands up pretty well to a DoS attack.  It will become
slow if I have one machine saturate it with requests, but they all
eventually get served.  Tomcat 5 has additional logic to throttle
connections if the load becomes high, so I'd guess that a DoS attack against
it (with the default settings) is almost impossible (you would need a DDoS
attack, since one machine couldn't maintain the concurrency necessary to
shut Tomcat down).

> Assuming there is no apache server in front of tomcat
> and tomcat is serving everything, what's a reasonable
> connection timeout value? I know this is application
> specific but it would be interesting to hear about
> this. The goal obviously is to serve as many users as
> possible without having to create too many threads.

I tend to use 5sec (which is 5000 in server.xml), since most of my apps
write back very quickly.  Some people prefer 15sec;  The current default for
Tomcat 4 is 1min.  Like anything else, it depends on your app.  If you
typically start sending back data that includes links to images/style-sheets
very quickly, then you want a low number.  Even if not, I prefer to set
disableUploadTimeout="false" to use the longer time to read the request

> Thanks in advance
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