on 9/20/03 11:07 AM, Anton Tagunov wrote:

> Hello Chris!
> CR> IE 6 is sending two GET requests for each .mp3 file. I haven't tested the
> CR> behavior on IE 5.x or other plugin-handled mime types.
> CR> So, two questions for the karmically kind:
> CR> 1) Any bright ideas on a workaround for the user-agent: contype GET?
> Yes, this can be handled by servicing your mp3 files via your own
> servlet. I could check for the user-agent: contype and then probably
> forwar the request or invoke RequestDispatcher. You may wrap the
> original request in the wrapper provided by the Servlet 2.3 API
> substituting the method GET with HEAD. (Do I remember it all
> correctly?)

Remapping the contype onto a HEAD seems like a good solution.

> A more stratagic descision would be to build this into the Tomcat.
> I've entered an enahncement request to Tomcat bug database
> including your mail there. You may augment this enhancment
> request at
> http://nagoya.apache.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=23294

Thanks. I'll have a look.

> CR> At
> CR> present it's double-banging my server for 100-200k files. Is there a
> context
> CR> level mechanism for filtering, ie, blocking, requests based on headers?
> CR> 2) Is this more properly a development issue? I see workarounds in the
> CR> 4.1.27 and 5.x source to ignore "Broken pipe" exceptions
> This seems perfectly sane, the client may terminate connection for a
> multitude of reasons.

> CR> and the multiple GET is apparently  rooted in kludges from browser
> CR> 4.x days --
> Hmm, what did you mean, Chris?

The contype GET has its origins in the days when servers had inconsistent
support for the HEAD method and continues to pop up under various guises in
IE 4, 5 + 6. So the behaviour has been around for a long, long time.

I'm wildly speculating that the workarounds to suppress broken pipe
exceptions might be, at least in part, motivated by the excess of broken
pipes caused by IE's data-sniffing technique.


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