Hey, folks, sorry to repeat what many have you have seen before, but here

I'm running Apache 2.0.47, Tomcat 5.0.12, and I'm having a few problems
getting them to play nicely together.

Everything's installed and configured correctly as I have in my
workers2.properties file:


If I point my browser at http://host/tomcat-docs/, Apache correctly serves
up the index.html page via tomcat, but that's all it does correctly.  Any
files outside of index.html (i.e. the images, sub-pages, etc.) all result in
404 errors from Apache.

Checking the logs for tomcat shows the initial request but no child requests
for images.  Apache's error_log file shows the 404 errors with file not

It bugs me that Apache knows how to do the right thing on the initial
request but fails on child requests.

Any suggestions?

Thanks in advance!

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