
We have an error that occured several times each day.
We use a servlet to send serialized data to a java client. It always append
when the servlet sent a big list of objects :

2003-09-15 12:35:56 StandardWrapperValve[ApplicationObjectServlet]:
Servlet.service() for servlet ApplicationObjectServlet threw exception
java.io.IOException: Broken pipe
        at java.net.SocketOutputStream.socketWrite (SocketOutputStream.java)
        at java.net.SocketOutputStream.write(byte[],int,int)
(SocketOutputStream.java:91) (pc 15)
        at org.apache.catalina.connector.ResponseBase.flushBuffer
(ResponseBase.java:674) (pc 25)

We use GZIPOutputStream to send the data.

In archives, I found that other people have had the same problem but it came
from the user that click the stop button in the browser.
It cannot be the case here because it's during communication between client
and server in java directly.

Does anybody have an idea about the problem?

Is there a limitation to the size of data that we can send by a socket?

Tel. 77.24

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