Try this: substituting the appropriate parameters
telnet myserver 80
GET /mypage HTTP/1.1
Connection: close
Host: myserver
User-Agent: IE UA ID

And see what the response is. If the repsonse looks like a valid HTTP Response - then its an IE bug.


Tony Thompson wrote:

I have an issue with JSP compile errors not being displayed in the
browser when I am using IE.  The situation only seems to happen when I
try to compile a JSP that has lots of errors.  If I have a large JSP
(50+ lines or so) and create one error (like leaving a ; off the end of
a line early in the JSP), lots of errors will be generated because of
that.  After doing packet traces, I found that Jasper is repsonding with
all of the errors in an HTTP 500 but, the status line contains all of
the errors (attached below).

From what I can tell, when IE receives a response like this, it seems
to get part of it and then just whack the connection to the web server
before it has received the entire error.  IE then displays one of its
stupid messages like "action canceled" or "cannot find server or DNS
error".  I can do this same thing with Mozilla and I get the errors back
fine (big surprise).  If I hit a JSP that generates a small number of
compile errors, I can get the errors back fine in both browsers.

Since Jasper is already returning the error as content in the HTTP
repsonse, does it also have to include the entire thing in the status
line?  Should I report this as a bug?

Thanks for any help.

HTTP/1.1 500 Unable+to+compile+class+for+JSP%0A%0AAn+error+occurred+at+line%3A+%2D1+in+the+jsp+file%3A+null%0A%0AGenerated+servlet+error%3A%0A++++%5Bjavac%5D+Since+fork+is+true%2C+ignoring+compiler+setting%2E%0A++++%5Bjavac%5D+Compiling+1+source+file%0A++++%5Bjavac%5D+Since+fork+is+true%2C+ignoring+compiler+setting%2E%0A++++%5Bjavac%5D+C%3A%5CDOCUME%7E1%5COWNER%7E1%2ERED%5CLOCALS%7E1%5CTemp%5CJetty%5F0%5F0%5F0%5F0%5F8080%5F%5Fdemo%5Cjsp%5Clookup%5Fjsp%2Ejava%3A65%3A+%27%3B%27+expected%0A++++%5Bjavac%5D+string+ldapProtocol+%3D+%22ldap%22%0A++++%5Bjavac%5D+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++%5E%0A++++%5Bjavac%5D+C%3A%5CDOCUME%7E1%5COWNER%7E1%2ERED%5CLOCALS%7E1%5CTemp%5CJetty%5F0%5F0%5F0%5F0%5F8080%5F%5Fdemo%5Cjsp%5Clookup%5Fjsp%2Ejava%3A45%3A+package+com%2Estoneware%2Ebeans+does+not+exist%0A++++%5Bjavac%5D+++++++com%2Estoneware%2Ebeans%2EStonewareBean+swBean+%3D+null%3B%0A++++%5Bjavac%5D++++++++++++++++++++++++++%5E%0A++++%5Bjavac%5D+C%3A%5CDOCUME%7E1%5COWNER%7E1%2ERED%5CLOCALS%7E1%5CTemp%5CJet

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