
if I remember right there were some problems with earlier releases of JSTL
regarding TagPooling and not re-setting the Locale, try the latest one (I
think it's 1.0.3) to see if problems disappear.



I am struggling to get the fmt:message tag working in Tomcat 5.05.  Here is
what I do and the result I get:

1. I set the locale using a el expressions as follows:
<fmt:setLocale value="${requestScope.lang}"/>

2. I then choose a resource bundle as follows:
<fmt:bundle basename="com.parispano.latinamericaguide.resources.labels">

3. I finally display a message as follows:
<fmt:message key="country_index_jsp"/>

I have to retranslate and recompile the jsp in order for the locale to be
taken into account.

Is this a bug in Tomcat?  If no what I am getting wrong?

Thanks in advance,


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