
i have a strange effect when I run code inside of tomcat, it seems to
slowdown more then 10 times!! :(

I call the main-method from my test class the command line.
- The method does lookup an Entity EJB on JBoss server.
- Get a Property from the Bean
- Serialize the Bean using Betwixt

Then I tested the same by calling the same method from an servlet, it
slowes down dramatically:

          |Command Line | from Servlet
Lookup    |  144 ms     |  2490 ms
Getter    |   17 ms     |  2843 ms
Serialize |  708 ms     | 64147 ms

Has anybody an idea what causes this slowdown, or anybody seen something
similar before?
Any help would be apriciated.

Thanks a lot,

Christoph Gaffga

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