i'm a server-side java web developer. i know my way
around a linux remote shell account. but i am by no
means a sysadmin. so please cut me some slack if the
solution to my problem seems really obvious to you
linux/tomcat experts out there: 

i have access to a virual private server account at
vi.net (www.vi.net). vi.net gives its vps account
holders a control panel "web appliance" called ensim
however, i usually do all of my real work on this vps
in the remote linux (redhat) shell.

tomcat was automagically installed with a click of a
button on the ensim control panel. when ensim
installed tomcat it set the owner and group to "root"
for most of the directories in $CATALINA_HOME and
still others in that same directory have owner and
group set to "tomcat4". for instance:


all have owner and group set to "root". the permssions
for all of the above is drwxr-xr-x.  while:


all have their owner and group set to "tomcat4". and
again, the permssions for all of these is drwxr-xr-x.

would this potentially cause any problems as far as
you're aware? what *should* the owner and group be in
a correct tomcat installation? one obvious problem
with this - which i've already run into - only root
can, say, upload jar files to /var/tomcat4/lib.
doesn't tomcat need to be able to get at
/var/tomcat4/lib too? don't the above permissions
forbid tomcat from accessing this directory (and the

thanks for letting me pick your brains. and thanks in
advance for your help. take care.

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