
I resolved my PUT problem by setting a init param in this file located 
"installdir/Tomcat 4.1/conf/web.xml file.
I added <param-name>listings</param-name>
And now I can write files to a URL located on the box.

But of course, now I would like to be able to limit it to only one webapp, not all my 
sites globally like it did.

I am not sending to a servlet, I am just PUT ting data to a file on the web server 
using a HttpURLConnection class.

If anyone knows how to limit this to just a single web app, please let me know.


<!-- ================== Built In Servlet Definitions ==================== -->

  <!-- The default servlet for all web applications, that serves static     -->
  <!-- resources.  It processes all requests that are not mapped to other   -->
  <!-- servlets with servlet mappings (defined either here or in your own   -->
  <!-- web.xml file.  This servlet supports the following initialization    -->
  <!-- parameters (default values are in square brackets):                  -->
  <!--                                                                      -->
  <!--   debug               Debugging detail level for messages logged     -->
  <!--                       by this servlet.  [0]                          -->
  <!--                                                                      -->
  <!--   input               Input buffer size (in bytes) when reading      -->
  <!--                       resources to be served.  [2048]                -->
  <!--                                                                      -->
  <!--   listings            Should directory listings be produced if there -->
  <!--                       is no welcome file in this directory?  [true]  -->
  <!--                                                                      -->
  <!--   output              Output buffer size (in bytes) when writing     -->
  <!--                       resources to be served.  [2048]                -->
  <!--                                                                      -->
  <!--   readonly            Is this context "read only", so HTTP           -->
  <!--                       commands like PUT and DELETE are               -->
  <!--                       rejected?  [true]                              -->


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