Well, I'll start by covering the obvious basic things first:
        1.  Are you sure that you are hitting the Tomcat Server (if its not
using mod_jk you have to edit the default server.xml file to make Tomcat
listen to port 80)

        2.  Have you moved the web.xml file over (if you are using servlet

        If these aren't the problem, then the question to you is, what is
happening?  404 Errors?  500 Errors?  Anything in the logs of Tomcat?  Is it
possible that your servlets are hanging (and thus not giving a response -
this would be characterized as a the web browser timing out)?  Is Tomcat


-----Original Message-----
From: Cato, Christopher [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, February 15, 2001 1:25 PM
Subject: URGENT! TomCat won't run my servlets - part 2

To add to my problem description.

I installed Resin 1.2.2 on the same machine, it runs my servlets okay out of
the box.
So, it must be tomcat. But, what is the problem? *slowly going crazy*

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Cato, Christopher [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: den 15 februari 2001 19:07
> Subject: URGENT! TomCat won't run my servlets.
> Hi all.
> I'm deploying my applications to the production server. The production
> server (a DELL system running 2 processors) silently refuses to run my
> applications. They init okay (can see it in the tomcat log 
> and also in the
> database log) but they won't run the doGet method for some 
> reason. On the
> development server, they run just fine.
> Both systems run RedHat 6.2 and TomCat 3.21.
> The development server runs TomCat thru Apache and mod_jk, 
> the production
> server runs TomCat standalone.
> I found a bug report on redhat.com that stated that in some 
> cases glibc can
> break java, so I upgraded glibc to the latest version. Still 
> doesn't work.
> Question is: am I overlooking something simple here? Could it be the
> difference between running as mod_jk and running standalone? 
> All other files
> are served as they should through TomCat standalone.
> So, to reiterate the problem:
> machine A (development server) - rh 6.2 - tomcat 3.21 - 
> apache 1.3.12 -
> mod_jk: runs ok
> machine B (production server) - rh 6.2 - tomcat 3.21 
> standalone: doesn't
> run. WHY??
> What's the friggin' problem here, I just can't get it!
> Please help me if you can, deadline is overdrawn and 
> decapitation is moving
> in rapidly :(
> regards,
> christopher cato
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