Sorry to bother you all with so many questions,
but could you please send me a sample server.xml which achieves the same.
Any documentation for the same would also be useful.
Julie Chritiana

Tim Funk <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
The AccessLogValve does not have the ability to perform the deletion of old 

You can have multiple AccessLogValves at the same time. For example: one 
writing to a single non-rotating log file and the other rotating nightly.


Julie christiana wrote:
> Is it possible to do this configuration in webserver itself ... I mean in server.xml 
> ?
> Thanks for the help,
> Julie Christiana
> Tim Funk wrote:
> Both can be done by simple exercises in shell scripting.
> -Tim
> Julie christiana wrote:
>>We have tomcat 4.1.24 installed. Thanks to tomcat documentation and email archives, 
>>we understood that tomcat logs will be rotated every day.
>>Would like to know if there we can configure the following for tomcat logs :
>>1) Keep a maximum of log files in tomcat/logs directory for AccessLog and other logs 
>>2) Keep a consolidated log file for the webserver and configure the backups and max. 
>>size for it.

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