I am going through the Petstore's SignOnFilter class and I am wondering why it has 
been named SignOnFilter and not SignInFilter. Isn't the businesss logic of the class 
to help the signing in and not the signing on? Am I right or wrong?
Thanks in advance for your replies.

Here is the source for the class:

package com.sun.j2ee.blueprints.signon.web;import java.io.PrintWriter;import 
java.io.OutputStreamWriter;import java.io.IOException;import java.util.HashMap;import 
java.util.Iterator;import java.net.URL;// J2EE importsimport 
javax.servlet.ServletException;import javax.servlet.ServletContext;import 
javax.servlet.Filter;import javax.servlet.FilterChain;import 
javax.servlet.FilterConfig;import javax.servlet.http.HttpSession;import 
javax.servlet.ServletRequest;import javax.servlet.ServletResponse;import 
javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse;import javax.servlet.http.Cookie;import 
javax.ejb.CreateException;import javax.naming.NamingException;import 
javax.naming.InitialContext;// SignOn EJB Importsimport 
com.sun.j2ee.blueprints.signon.ejb.SignOnLocal;public class SignOnFilter implements 
Filter {    // these static strings define where to put/get things    public static 
final String FORM_SIGNON_URL = "j_signon_check";    public static final String 
FORM_USER_NAME = "j_username";    public static final String FORM_PASSWORD = 
"j_password";    public static final String REMEMBER_USERNAME = "j_remember_username"; 
   public static final String USER_NAME = "j_signon_username";    public static final 
String SIGNED_ON_USER  = "j_signon";    public static final String ORIGINAL_URL = 
"j_signon_original_url";    public static final String CREATE_USER_URL = 
"j_create_user";    public static final String COOKIE_NAME = "bp_signon";    private 
HashMap protectedResources;    private FilterConfig config = null;    private String 
signOnErrorPage = null;    private String signOnPage = null;    private String 
userCreationError = null;    public void init(FilterConfig config) throws 
ServletException {        this.config = config;        URL protectedResourcesURL = 
null;        try {            protectedResourcesURL = 
SignOnDAO dao = new SignOnDAO(protectedResourcesURL);            signOnErrorPage = 
dao.getSignOnErrorPage();            signOnPage = dao.getSignOnPage();            
protectedResources = dao.getProtectedResources();        } catch 
(java.net.MalformedURLException ex) {            System.err.println("SignonFilter: 
malformed URL exception: " + ex);        }    }    public void destroy() {        
config = null;    }     public  void doFilter(ServletRequest request, ServletResponse  
response, FilterChain chain)        throws IOException, ServletException {        
HttpServletRequest hreq = (HttpServletRequest)request;        String currentURI = 
hreq.getRequestURL().toString();        String currentURL = hreq.getRequestURI();      
  // get everything after the context root        int firstSlash = 
currentURL.indexOf("/",1); // jump past the starting slash        String targetURL = 
null;        if (firstSlash != -1) targetURL = currentURL.substring(firstSlash + 1, 
currentURL.length());        if ((targetURL != null) && 
targetURL.equals(FORM_SIGNON_URL)) {            validateSignOn(request, response, 
chain);            // jump out of this method            return;        }        // 
check if the user is signed on        boolean signedOn = false;        if 
(hreq.getSession().getAttribute(SIGNED_ON_USER) != null) {            signedOn 
=((Boolean)hreq.getSession().getAttribute(SIGNED_ON_USER)).booleanValue();        } 
else {            hreq.getSession().setAttribute(SIGNED_ON_USER, new Boolean(false));  
      }        // jump to the resource if signed on        if (signedOn) {             
   chain.doFilter(request,response);                return;        }        // find 
out if the patterns match the target URL        Iterator it = 
protectedResources.keySet().iterator();        while (it.hasNext()) {            
String protectedName = (String)it.next();            ProtectedResource resource  = 
(ProtectedResource)protectedResources.get(protectedName);            String urlPattern 
= resource.getURLPattern();            // now check agains the targetURL            if 
(urlPattern.equals(targetURL)) {                // put the orginal url in the session 
so others can access                hreq.getSession().setAttribute(ORIGINAL_URL,  
targetURL);                config.getServletContext().getRequestDispatcher("/" + 
signOnPage).forward(request, response);                // Jump out of the filter and 
go to the next page                return;            }        }        // No matches 
if we made it to here        chain.doFilter(request,response);    }     public  void 
validateSignOn(ServletRequest request, ServletResponse  response, FilterChain chain)   
     throws IOException, ServletException {        // convert to a http servlet 
request for now        HttpServletRequest hreq = (HttpServletRequest)request;        
HttpServletResponse hres = (HttpServletResponse)response;        // get the user name  
      String userName = hreq.getParameter(FORM_USER_NAME);        // get the password  
      String password = hreq.getParameter(FORM_PASSWORD);        // check if the user 
wants userName set in cookie        String rememberUserName = 
hreq.getParameter(REMEMBER_USERNAME);        if (rememberUserName != null) {          
// set a cookie with the username in it          Cookie userNameCookie = new 
Cookie(COOKIE_NAME, userName);          // set cookie to last for one month          
userNameCookie.setMaxAge(2678400);          hres.addCookie(userNameCookie);        } 
else {            // see if the cookie exists and remove accordingly            
Cookie[] cookies = hreq.getCookies();            if (cookies != null) {                
for (int loop=0; loop < cookies.length; loop++) {                    if 
(cookies[loop].getName().equals(COOKIE_NAME)) {                        
cookies[loop].setMaxAge(0);                        hres.addCookie(cookies[loop]);      
              }                }            }        }        //validate against the 
registered users        SignOnLocal signOn = getSignOnEjb();        boolean 
authenticated = signOn.authenticate(userName, password);        if (authenticated) {   
         // place a true boolean in the session            if 
(hreq.getSession().getAttribute(USER_NAME) != null) {                
hreq.getSession().removeAttribute(USER_NAME);            }            
hreq.getSession().setAttribute(USER_NAME, userName);            // remove the sign on 
user key before putting it back in            if 
(hreq.getSession().getAttribute(SIGNED_ON_USER) != null) {                
hreq.getSession().removeAttribute(SIGNED_ON_USER);            }            
hreq.getSession().setAttribute(SIGNED_ON_USER, new Boolean(true));            // 
redirect to the original destination            String targetURL = 
hres.sendRedirect(targetURL);            return;        } else {            
hres.sendRedirect(signOnErrorPage);            return;        }     }     private 
SignOnLocal getSignOnEjb() throws ServletException {         SignOnLocal signOn = 
null;         try {            InitialContext ic = new InitialContext();            
Object o = ic.lookup("java:comp/env/ejb/SignOn");            SignOnLocalHome home 
=(SignOnLocalHome)o;            signOn = home.create();         } catch 
(javax.ejb.CreateException cx) {             throw new ServletException("Failed to 
Create SignOn EJB: caught " + cx);         } catch (javax.naming.NamingException nx) { 
            throw new ServletException("Failed to Create SignOn EJB: caught " + nx);   
     }        return signOn;     }}

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