RE: Tomcat and multiple processors

max 512MB and startup 256MB.. as previous people of the thread said,
always install many tomcat so that one instance for one java
because it only uses much disk ?? I thought it costs too much memory
of harddisk..

The main reason to install one webapp per instance is for stability and separation: if one crashes for whatever reason, others won't be affected. Among the reasons for crashing is a memory leak from a badly-coded webapp. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

I hope the problem was from memory leak.. however, I do feel it really
needs such much memory.

alternative way to create multiple testing environment for my j2ee
application. that is to rename war files' name from product_test1.war
product_test10.war, so that I could use one tomcat to manage the ten
cases.. I cannot use scripts to startup/stop them separately, however
least i could use tomcat admin to do it manuelly.. of course i need to
define different context in server.xml, including ports from 1024 to
log file location and context name test1_standalone for example.

I'm not sure I understand what you're trying to do. Simulate multiple clients hitting your one webapp? ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

what I am intending to do is to create more and more environment for testing.
As we get new release of our application once a week, my colleagues needs
more test environment to separately store each release.. Originally, my manager
thought we could firstly create three set environments instances of jboss +
tomcat + mysql, and then try to integrate them to one set of jboss + tomcat +
mysql instance which contains as much separate process as possible for production,
developing and testing, so that in the future we might have 10 plus process
for testing.

... as tomcat is designed for one process instead of
multiple-processes to avoid too much memory consuming.

On what base do you make the above claim? ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

I think it comes from either Oreilly Tomcat book or some comment from google..

The main reason to install one webapp per instance is for stability and
separation: if one crashes for whatever reason, others won't be
affected. Among the reasons for crashing is a memory leak from a
badly-coded webapp.
we totally agree with this point.. We expect to have independent process
to startup/stop each applicaiton and each component as well.. However,
the pair of tomcat and jboss consume too much resource. even we could
afford it. it is not a good manner to be such luxury.. hence, if there was any
chance left, we still want to integrate those processes instead of install
10 plus set of jboss + tomcat. (one mysql instance is ok)

with best wishes

Zheng Sun

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