Hello -

i assume this is more of a servlet programming problem that tomcat, but
i hope someone has some insight?

Please tell me i can do this: 1)i go to a jsp page and if it does not find the exist of a cookie it forwards to a login screen

2) the login screen submits to a servlet, and then set some cookies and
then forwards to the original JSP

3) the orig jsp sees those cookies and life is fine.

well i can not make the servlet set the cookies so that the forwarding
jsp sees those cookies.

When it comes to doing things like this - I generally use session or request variables to do so (not direct cookie access) - is there a reason you wouldn't want to do this instead of the session? I think most of the time tomcat will be using cookies for all of this (unless explicitly told to use URL rewriting).

For example - maybe do something like this (using struts):

(numbers correspond to above):

<%@ taglib uri="/tags/struts-bean" prefix="bean" %>
<%@ taglib uri="/tags/struts-html" prefix="html" %>
<%@ taglib uri="/tags/struts-logic" prefix="logic" %>

  <title>Admin Tool</title>

<logic:notPresent scope="session" name="isLoggedIn">
  <logic:redirect forward="adminLogin"/>
<logic:present scope="session" name="isLoggedIn">
  <logic:redirect forward="adminHome"/>

Where 'adminLogin' is mapped:

<forward name="adminLogin" path="/adminLogin.do"/>

which is an action that forwards to a file called login.jsp

<action path="/adminLogin"

2 & 3) login.jsp (above) then uses a servlet to gather the information if successful then:

    session.setAttribute(IConstants.IS_LOGGED_IN, "true");

where ' IConstants.IS_LOGGED_IN' = "isLoggedIn"

and then forwards back to the home page (after setting other vars in the session/request as well).

Also this way - if the session has expired, then the test at the beginning would forward back to the login if needed as well.

I could be doing this wrong as well - but seems to work OK.

Hope this is what you were asking about (if not - sorry for the wasted space!)


-- Robert B. Weeks

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