Found my problem...

Since I had changed the default virtual host to "" in..

<Host name="" debug="0" appBase="webapps"
      unpackWARs="true" autoDeploy="true">

I also had to edit this line...

<Engine name="Standalone" defaultHost="" debug="0">

that seem to fix it...

(maybe a note in the server.xml to this effect...????)

Now I can uncross my eyes from staring at this file for the last hour...<G>


John B. Moore wrote:

Just did a fresh install of 4.1.18 on NT4 Server (replacing a previous version that was working fine, but hey, I love spending hours beating my head against the wall, pulling out what few hairs I still have, so I get to figure this stuff out...<sigh>) Had followed John Turners install how-to to the letter with one exception.. I replaced the default virtual host "localhost" with "" (as I had it in the previous install) in server.xml.

I was testing the /examples/jsp/num/numguess.jsp and am getting an "Internal Server Error". Nothing is showing in any of the logs. Not a hint... I tested it under the "" and it works fine.. only when I come through Apache (2.0.43) "" do I get this error.. Obviously a configuration issue.. just need some hints...

Does this ring any bells as to where I should be looking...???


John Moore

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