There are two possibilities for IIS to server the static content:
        1.  In IIS add a virtual directory that has your webapp in its path
        2.  Put your webapp under inetpub/wwwroot and change Tomcat's
Server.xml to have the content path somewhere else.  One caution about this
- protect your WEB-INF directory or add a mapping /myapp/WEB-INF in
uriworkermap, otherwise web browsers could make requests and fetch all your
.jar, .class and anything else in the WEB-INF directory.


-----Original Message-----
From: Tim Trentham [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Friday, February 16, 2001 10:39 AM
Subject: RE: Win2k and IIS 5 - 404 on all new web apps SOLVED + New
Questi on

That was it. I should've read the IIS HowTo more carefully. Thanks

One more question that you might know the answer to.....

First, I tried 


That served the jsp page in myapp just fine, but it was unable to find a jpg
that a jsp refers to in the same directory. I got a broken image.

Switching to


It is able to find and display the image. 

The same problem occurs with the examples context. If you specify that
Tomcat only get the jsps and servlets, you get a 404 on the index.html.

I'd prefer IIS to serve the static content. Do I have to add a virtual
directory in IIS for it to see the static content? Or is it something else?



-----Original Message-----
From: Randy Layman [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Friday, February 16, 2001 6:20 AM
Subject: RE: Win2k and IIS 5 - 404 on all new web apps

        Have you modified the file?

        If thats not it, look at the isapi.log and the tomcat console to see
how far the request gets.  If Tomcat sees it then it should be fairly easy
to determine why Tomcat is returning 404.  If isapi.log sees it and Tomcat
doesn't then check the uriworkermap to make sure the mappings are correct.
(I believe that you must restart IIS to have the file reloaded).


-----Original Message-----
From: Tim Trentham [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, February 15, 2001 7:16 PM
Subject: Win2k and IIS 5 - 404 on all new web apps

I'm having a problem that I see mentioned in some of the mailing list
archives, but I never saw a solution posted.

I'm running Tomcat 3.2 with Windows 2000 Advanced Server and IIS 5. I
followed the instructions for installing the isapi_redirect.dll and I'm
getting the green arrow in the filters dialog. I'm also able to access the
examples at http://localhost/examples/index.html with no problem. However,
as soon as I try to access my own application at http://localhost/myapp, I
get a 404 error. I am able to access my pages at
http://localhost:8080/myapp, so Tomcat can see it fine. What am I missing?



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