
>  - This directory basically contains a set of pretty
>    simple jsp's which execute methods from a custom
>    data layer.
>  - my file lives here
>  - my log4j jar as well as the jar containing the
>    custom data layer lives here.  I am using log4j
>    1.2.7.  the log4j jar does not appear anywhere
>    else in my classpath.

You've already corrected the above so that log4j.jar is in WEB-INF/lib,
not classes, which is good.

>Here is my
>log4j.rootLogger=DEBUG, reporting
>[%t] %-5p %F:%L - %m%n

This is fine except for the {$CATALINA_HOME} syntax which is sketchy.
Have you tried ${CATALINA_HOME}?

>I don't see the file 'reporting.log' being created
>ANYWHERE locally.  I also don't see any log4j output
>in any of the logs under /$CATALINA-HOME$/logs or
>under the console.

Add -Dlog4j.debug=true to JAVA_OPTS in $CATALINA_HOME/bin/
This will make log4j show debug information on how it's being

>first i define a member var in the connection factory
>of type org.apache.log4j.Logger:

You're using log4j correctly, that's not the problem.

Don't rely on some exception to test log4j: use simple

Check the tomcat logs for errors.  Make sure you have a valid,
well-formed web.xml file.

Yoav Shapira

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