Title: RE: mod_jk + ssl + apache

Tomcat only works with IP-based virtual hosts.  Using a different host name resolves to a different IP address, so Tomcat can serve from the correct directory.  Trying to use 443 on the same host name as your public system resolves to the same IP address, so Tomcat serves from the public directory.

The only way I could figure out how to get this to work was to run two copies of Tomcat, one serving http and the other serving https.  Run the connectors on unique ports so Apache can talk to the correct tomcat instance.

-----Original Message-----
From: Connie Chan [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Friday, February 16, 2001 1:29 PM
Subject: RE: mod_jk + ssl + apache

I had specified JkMount in Virtual Host directive in httpd.conf file and
specified the path in the host directive in server.xml.  They are as

In httpd.conf,
                <VirtualHost host1.myorg.com:443>
                DocumentRoot j:/webapps/rootexample/secure_html
                SSLClientAuth none
                ServerName host1.myorg.com

In server.xml,
<Host name="host1.myorg.com" >
                        <Context path=""

If I set the virtual host name (for SSL) as same as server name, it won't
work.  When I https://host1.myorg.com <https://host1.myorg.com> , the log
file show that the tomcat still looks for the public_html directory (which
is the document root directory for the web server).  But I set the virtual
host name different from the server name, it works fine.  Plus, I notice
from the console shows as followings when tomcat starts up:

        ContextManager: Adding context Ctx( host1.myorg.com: )

I am not sure if I should specify the port in the host directive, in order
to tell tomcat to look for different path for SSL.  If so, what is the
syntax.  I cannot find from the user guide.  I tried <Host
name="host1.myorg.com:443"> and <Host name="host1.myorg.com" port="443'>.
None of them works (the console shows "Adding contect
Ctx(host1.myorg.com:443: ).    Please advise.


                -----Original Message-----
                From:   GOMEZ Henri [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
                Sent:   Thursday, February 15, 2001 11:21 AM
                To:     [EMAIL PROTECTED]
                Subject:        RE: mod_jk  + ssl + apache

                >Does anyone know how to configure the apache and tomcat so
                >that the tomcat will look for the different path other than
the root
                >when ssl is enabling (e.g. https://host1.myorg/)
<https://host1.myorg/)> ?

                Could you be more explicit ?

                >I'm using mod_jk as connector with AJP13.  How to configure
tomcat so
                >that a context path can only be looked for when using SSL

                Specify JkMount on SSL part (ie in mod_ssl in <Virtual

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