Hi Bernhard,

> Here's a great book including mod_jk2:
> http://www.oreilly.de/catalog/tomcat/index.html

I got this book right next to my laptop, and I also like it quite much. But I can't find it useful when it comes to using mod_jk2. It don't really understand the contents of workers2.perperties. And they show only an example of this file in their book.

To give you an example:

I guess here they define some "config" instance. Ok. But where is the point in giving the path to a config file *in exactly this config file*?! No idea.

Or, another example:
info=Examples ...

This yields a deprecation warning in my apache2 error.log:
[Thu Oct 30 13:13:48 2003] [notice] uriEnv.setAttribute() the worker directive is deprecated. Use 'group' instead.

What is a group? I guess this could be a node group for load balancing purposes. But I don't know. And the books won't say, neither the ORA nor the Wrox one. I'm pretty stuck.

Sorry, I'm upset. Thanks for your hint, anyway.


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