hi all,

i have a tomcat 4.1.27 instance fronted by an instance of
apache 2.0.40, using jk2.  it is a commerce site and at the
point of credit card information collection goes from http
to https.  the first time a user goes from http to https,
the session information is lost (i.e. the order information)
but if the user uses https from the beginning, eveything is
fine.  the specific error i am seeing is:

org.apache.jk.server.JkCoyoteHandler action

i have done some searching on the web for this error but
nothing i have found really helps.  most responses to such
questions say something like, it is just an info type
message and can thus be ignored but the large issue of
session loss isn't addressed.

does anyone have any idea what is going on here or have any

thanks in advance for any and all assistance.

Peter Abplanalp
PGP:     pgp.mit.edu

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