Looking at the Red Hat 9 Release Notes, it seems that only JDKs prior to 1.4.1 fail. You are using 1.4.2, so you are not supposed to need the LD_ASSUME_KERNEL setting ;-)

The problem comes from a new implementation of the POSIX Thread Native Library. This new version corrects some deviances from the POSIX standard, so applications that rely on these differences will fail.


Christopher Schultz wrote:


The newest version (4.1.29) should be fine. If I recall, however, there
was a problem with Sun's Java Virtual Machine, and RH9, which used an
incompatible threading library.

No, on RH 9, all VMs will actually need the LD_ASSUME_KERNEL env variable (look in the archives for the details on the problems and the workaround).

Is this accurate? I use RH9 with kernel 2.4.20/i686, JDK 1.4.2-b28 without any LD_ASSUME_KERNEL setting (that I know of).

Is this for a specific kernel version or architecture?


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