Tomcat 4.1.27 is running in my company's DMZ.

Users external to my company's network see the normal, fast response
times from Tomcat.  On my cable modem at home, it is very fast to

Users internal to my company's network (behind our firewall) see very
slow response times, often several seconds.  On my desktop in the
office, it is very slow.

This happens with Tomcat running on port 8080 and port 80.

This problem does *not* occur with websites on IIS in our DMZ.  It
does not occur with Tomcat inside our firewall in a development

Is it possible that someone has turned-on some kind of Quality Of Service (QoS) settings on the firewall, which sets ports 80 and 8080 as low-priority?

If so, then your internal users may have sluggish connections because packets destined for other ports are "cutting in line". If this is the case, you'll have to convince your sysadmin to change the QoS settings.


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