
I am reading the documentation for tomcat 5.0.14. I am at the 'first web app' section and I have followed all of the documentation very closely in setting up my first web app. I am using the example build.xml, build.properties, and web.xml files with appropriate changes to reflect my setup. However when I execute 'ant install' I get:


[deploy] FAIL - Encountered exception java.util.zip.ZipException: error in opening zip file

file:/home/toll/java/swit/build.xml:360: FAIL - Encountered exception java.util.zip.ZipException: error in opening zip file

line number 360 from build.xml is: <deploy url="${manager.url}" username="${manager.username}" password="${manager.password}" path="${app.pa th}" war="file://${build.home}"/>

My environment: jdk 1.4.; debian sarge on a sparc station.

I can overcome this by just copying my build directory over to my context base directory in the web-apps directory, however, it's a pain in the ass. Does anybody have a solution to this for me?


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