If you don't say which error message you got it will be a little difficult !


Steven Ang wrote:

>Hello, I need some help in configurating tomcat server.  I'm doing a 
>JSP project, I have read some documentation about tomcat and it states 
>that i need to add some line in %CATALINA_HOME%/conf/server.xml
><Context path="/thesis" docbase="thesis" debug="0" reloadable="true" 
>but after i save the server.xml and run start tomcat, i got some error 
>message in console.  I don;t know why.  And also 
>http://localhost:8080/thesis/hello.jsp returns and error message.  here 
>are my source code of hello.jsp
>      <html>
>          <boby>
>               HI
>          </body>
>      </html>
>here are my software and hardware information
>      JAVA SDK 1.4.2
>      TOMCAT 4.1.24
>      Pentium III 1G
>      128MB
>      20 GB Hard Drive
>Please help me....

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