
I am trying to configure tomcat to provide a JNDI Datasource, both so that the container can provide Basic Authentication, and for the war file to use (via Torque).

I have done this (including Torque!). It took a bit of playing around, but I found that I had to do the following.

(Others please take note: I'd like to know if I could have gotton away with fewer steps... please let me know if that's the case)

1. Define a <Resource> in the <GlobalNamingResources> section of server.xml:

            <Resource name="@DATASOURCE_REF@"

            <ResourceParams name="@DATASOURCE_REF@">

(I'm using ant to replace the DATSOURCE_REF marker with "jdbc/myDataSource").

I have deduced that Tomcat requires this to be defined at the global level because of where the authenticator runs -- which appears to be *outside* the context for which you want to authenticate users.

2. Put your <Realm> inside the <Context> for which you want to authenticate:

            <Realm  className="org.apache.catalina.realm.DataSourceRealm"

Somewhat obviously, this sets up the Realm and allows the authentication to take place.

3. Add a <ResourceLink> to the <Context> section for my particular context:

            <ResourceLink name="@DATASOURCE_REF@"
                        type="javax.sql.DataSource" />

This links a global resource to the context, and makes it available for use by the webapp.

4. Add a <resource-ref> section to my web.xml:

        <description>DataSource for my application</description>

I think this actually creates the "other side" of the link that it established with the <ResourceLink> in the server.xml. I'm not entirely sure.

javax.naming.NameNotFoundException: Name jdbc is not bound in this Context

I was getting this same error and played around for the better part of two days to get this working.

Finally, I can do all of these things:

1. Use the Realm the way I want to
2. Have Torque use the same JNDI DataSource

(Just so you know, this is what I use for my torque JNDI setup:
[EMAIL PROTECTED]@.jndi.path=java:comp/env/@DATASOURCE_REF@

3. Browse the JNDI tree by hand (from a JSP within my context) and actually see the DataSource object in there.

Woo hoo!

I hope that helps.


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