
I am managing a server wich host many site.
Each have it's own jvm.
To make things simple, each site have a piece of httpd.conf wich is
included in the main httpd.conf.

To be able to add/remove easily sites, it would be useful to have the
possibility to specify multiple JkWorkersFile.

example :

* main httpd.conf
LoadModule jk_module libexec/mod_jk.so
NameVirtualHost *:80

Include /projects/site1/conf/httpd.conf
Include /projects/site2/conf/httpd.conf

* site 1 piece of httpd.conf :
JkWorkersFile /projects/site1/conf/workers.properties
<VirtualHost *:80>
        ServerName site1.mydomain.com
        ServerAlias site1.mydomain.com
        DocumentRoot /projects/site1/htmlroot/

        JkMount /*.jsp /site1

* site 2 piece of httpd.conf :
JkWorkersFile /projects/site2/conf/workers.properties
<VirtualHost *:80>
        ServerName site2.mydomain.com
        ServerAlias site2.mydomain.com
        DocumentRoot /projects/site2/htmlroot/

        JkMount /*.jsp /site2

Actually, I have to concatene all workers.properties files and place
JkWorkersFile directive in main httpd.conf. It's really not clean.

- the JkWorkersFile would be in <VirtualHost />
- We would not have to make JkMount because there is already a web.xml
that all URIs to be mapped.

Why couldn't mod_jk work as caucho's mod_caucho for Resin works ?

Am I at the right place to ask for this ?

Mike Baroukh

Cardiweb  - 31 Rue de Mogador Paris IXeme
06 63 57 27 22 - 01 53 21 82 63 - ICQ: 105910677
Le caractère d'un homme fait son destin. Démocrite

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