(Hmm, the mailing list server seems to have swallowed the message text
part of my posting - here it is:)

Hi *,

after managing to install my web-app, I cannot access it with my

The installation is as follows:
- I set CATALINA_BASE to a directory
- created a conf/server.xml with the following entries:
  (complete file is attached)
- put my application (the whole WAR directory tree) under
- (and, yes, I created a temp dir there after getting some errors
  about jar-file processing)

Starting tomcat works well, in the logfile says that various files of
my app are deployed:

| 2003-11-19 17:53:30 WebappLoader[/myapp]: Deploying class repositories to work 
directory /home/monsorno/proj/myapp/intrapas/build/run/work/Standalone/localhost/myapp
| 2003-11-19 17:53:30 WebappLoader[/myapp]: Deploy class files /WEB-INF/classes to 
| 2003-11-19 17:53:30 WebappLoader[/myapp]: Deploy JAR /WEB-INF/lib/common.jar to 
| ...
| 2003-11-19 17:53:30 WebappLoader[/myapp]: Deploy JAR 
/WEB-INF/lib/xalan-j_2_5_0-xml-apis.jar to 
| 2003-11-19 17:53:30 WebappLoader[/myapp]: Reloading checks are enabled for this 
| 2003-11-19 17:53:30 ContextConfig[/myapp]: Missing default web.xml, using 
application web.xml only
| 2003-11-19 17:53:31 StandardManager[/myapp]: Seeding random number generator class 
| 2003-11-19 17:53:31 StandardManager[/myapp]: Seeding of random number generator has 
been completed

But when I try to access http://localhost:8090/myapp/ with my browser,
I get:

| HTTP Status 404 - /ipas/
| type Status report
| message /ipas/
| description The requested resource (/ipas/) is not available.

Any ideas why it does not work?  It's most likely not the
application's fault as it runs with no problems in resin on the same
directory tree.


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