
I have recently been reading the Java Language Specification (JLS) 
concerning threads, locks and the Java memory model
and the book excerpt "Synchronization and the Java Memory Model" from 
"Concurrent Programming in Java" (Doug Lea):

I am now very puzzled as to how the threading issues described in these 
articles relate to a web application.

The articles state that:
JLS: Each thread has a working memory, in which it may keep copies of the 
values of variables from the main memory that is shared between all 
threads.  Changes to variables made by one thread in its working memory 
are only guaranteed to be copied back into main memory when the thread 
performs an unlock action on any lock, or the thread terminates.  A thread is only 
guaranteed to load a 
variable from the main memory into its working memory when it performs a 
lock action or the first time it accesses the variable.
Doug Lea: "Changes to fields made by one thread are guaranteed to be 
visible to other threads only under the following conditions: A writing 
thread releases a synchronization lock and a reading thread subsequently 
acquires that same synchronization lock."

Could anyone please answer the following questions relating to a web 

(1) If I use the Sevlet init() method to initialize some variables in a 
web application and then access these variables from a service() method, 
must I synchronize the setting of the variables from init() and the 
getting of these variables from service() in order to guarantee that the 
thread running the service() method can see the changes made to the 
variables by the init() method on a different thread?  Alternatively is 
this looked after in some way by Tomcat to ensure that the servlet 
initialization is visible to requests to the servlet.

(2) I have the same question regarding the use of the ServletContext 
object: must I synchronize access to all attributes that I set/get in the 
ServletContext to guarantee that changes made by one thread are visible to 

Thanks for your help.


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