
In terms of URI directives that is the only one. I don't have a specific directive in httpd.conf to include workers2.properties, that file gets loaded automatically when I load the jk2 module.
Also I don't have any JkMount directives in my httpd.conf file.

I wonder if anyone is able to reproduce this problem.

I am running RH 9 using jk2 and unix sockets. Apache 2.0.47 and some version of Tomcat 4.1.

Maybe there is something wrong with the way mod_jk2 was compiled...?

Christopher Schultz wrote:

Hmmm.. that *is* odd.

And you say that if you disable loading of the module altogether, it works?

What if you disable that single reclaration above? Is it possible that you have a more general declaration elsewhere in the workers2.properties file?

I don't have much experience with mod_jk2. Do you put anything in httpd.conf, or is it just a reference to the workers2.properties that mod_jk2 handles all by itself?


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