Jesus, what a way to start a Monday morning. Is there really any point in
shouting at each other like this? If you've still not got Tomcat working
with IIS try this: I followed that
and got it all working.

Tomcat isn't as well documented as it might be (for reasons that have
already been stated) but theres really no reason to start having a go at

Peace people,


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Roeland Meyer [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: 24 November 2003 09:43
> To: 'Tomcat Users List'
> Subject: RE: IIS is not supported in Tomcat 4.1.29.
> Before I sound too much like byting the hand that feeds, let me thank you
> for the useful information that you have provided.
> > From: Christopher Schultz [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > Sent: Monday, November 24, 2003 4:26 AM
> and I will make due allowances for the time of your response as well. Late
> nights can make one more than a bit tense.
> >  > > You don't pretend to win the coveted Whiner Of The Month award
> >  > > with this, I hope. There's a lot of competition, you know.
> >
> > I think this post gets my vote for this coveted award. Everyone: you
> > have only 7 days left to submit your entries!
> For one thing, whether you guys know it or not, Java is competing
> against MS
> .NET. I surfaced specific issues that need to be covered. I have a case
> where the requirements are Win2K and IIS. Neither Linux nor Apache are
> viable options, although I've argued for, at least, Apache. I'm doing good
> to get Tomcat, okay? I don't want to do C# as that doesn't port
> more than 5
> micro-inches from the MS platforms. This sort of stuff makes it
> hard to sell
> Tomcat.
> > > There are three section to this email;
> > > 'General Complaints', 'IIS HOW-TO', and 'Workers HOW-TO'.
> >
> > No, you have one section: complaining about everything. I mistakenly
> > read the whole post, thinking that there woud, in fact, be an "IIS
> > HOWTO" and "Workers HOWTO" contained somewhere within. Alas,
> > there was not.
> No, I went item-by-item thorugh the dox that were shipped with
> the product.
> Often I was looking at
> http://jakarta.caselle:8080/tomcat-docs/jk2/jk/workershowto.html or
> http://jakarta.caselle:8080/tomcat-docs/jk2/jk/iishowto.html. I was making
> the case that both of those documents need to be either fixed or removed
> from the distribution. In fact, I stated that plainly. You must not have
> read that.
> > > General complaints: (in no particular order)
> >
> > I recognize that there are shortcomings in the documentation. You do
> > realize that pretty much nobody gets paid to write this
> > stuff, right? If
> > you have spent a significant amount of time figuring
> > something out, why
> > not help out with the project and submit either a replacement
> > document
> > for IIS/Tomcat or a patch to any existing documentation?
> Actually, I would gladly do so. I am considering compiling my notes for
> subbmital after I get this stuff working. I *really* don't want
> to do .NET.
> > > IIS HOW-TO:
> > >
> > > 1) Obviously, all references to Workers HOW-TO
> > > point to a defective document, as shown in the
> > > section on the workers HOW-TO.
> >  >
> >  > [snip]
> >  >
> >  > Workers HOW-TO:
> >  >
> >  > This was obviously written for Tomcat 3 and never
> >  > updated for Tomcat 4.1.29.
> >
> > Do you mean this HOWTO:
> >
> >
> Yep and these are the offending lines;
> ---
> - A file that describes the host(s) and port(s) used by
> the workers (Tomcat processes). A sample can be found
> under the conf directory.
> - A file that maps URL-Path patterns to workers. A
> sample can be found under the conf directory as
> well.
> ---
> Neither nor are
> shipped with the
> product, contrary to what is clearly written insaid dox.
> > It specifically mentions the changes since Tomcat 3.3 (with
> > respect to
> > 4.x and 5.x). Here's an example:
> >
> > "
> > The ajp12  has been deprecated  with Tomcat 3.3.x and you should use
> > instead ajp13  which is the only ajp protocol known by Tomcat 4.0.x,
> > 4.1.x and 5.
> >
> > Of course Tomcat 3.2.x and 3.3.x also support ajp13 protocol.
> > "
> If you'd truely read my email then you'd have noticed that I
> never mentioned
> ajp13. I had already read and understood that part. The isue isn't
> documented changes, the issues are changes that aren't
> documented. A slight
> difference.
> >  > [I can't figure out workers, and I find the workers HOWTO to be
> >  > worthless. By the way, what is a worker?]
> >
> > I find that this document is very helpful for these types of
> > questions:
> >
> >
> > howto.html
> Is that anything like
> http://jakarta.caselle:8080/tomcat-docs/jk2/jk/workershowto.html ?
> If so, then go back and re-read my email for a section-by-section list of
> errors.
> BTW, your quoted portion is not anything that I wrote. I just checked.
> > It explains pretty much every line of the file.
> Yes, with incorrect data.
> > >  I hit 10 errors and
> > > stopped logging. These indicate huge problems and
> > > this document should have never been included in
> > > the Tomcat 4.1.29 release. Not even as a guidline.
> > > It is more misleading than useful.
> >
> > I think it's a better guideline that the source code for the
> > connector,
> > don't you think?
> Hacking the sources is something I am specifically prohibited from doing.
> Also, with that error rate, it is better to not have it and admit that IIS
> isn't supported, rather than embarras one's self by exhibiting such
> problems. This is a quality issue at this point.
> > > 1) Completely skips the obvious first steps: -
> >
> >  From the "Worker HOWTO" referenced eariler:
> >
> > "
> > worker.list =<a comma separated list of worker names>
> > "
> >
> > There's even an example!
> >
> > Step 2:
> >
> > "
> > After defining the workers you can also specify properties for them.
> > Properties can be specified in the following manner:
> >
> > worker.<worker name>.<property>=<property value>
> > "
> >
> > (Before I go on, I'll mention that there's a complete example
> > workers.prperties file included in the "Worker HOWTO".
> No there isn't. I'll make a bet that you haven't even unpacked the Tomcat
> 4.1.29 binary distro for Win32, eh? Nowhere in there, does it exist. As I
> stated in the original email, the path values are wrong and files such as
> tomcat.jar DO NOT EXIST. WTF do you think, that I don't know how to use
> files search?
> > > 2) Introduction is completely accurate yet,
> > > completely inadequate. What is the relationship of
> > > a worker instance to a URL?
> >
> > There is none. You have to map these yourself. You do this in the
> > configuration for your specific web server. Check the "IIS Howto"
> > (mentioned previously):
> I no longer quite trust a doc that has so many glaring errors.
> > "
> > Adding a context to the ISAPI redirector is simple, all you
> > need to do
> > is to edit your and to add a line
> > that looks like:
> >
> > /context/*=worker_name
> > "
> >
> >  > What is a Tomcat context?
> >
> > You're kidding, right? You're trying to couple IIS to Tomcat and you
> > need a Context tutorial?
> Actually, yes. Context of contexts, if you will. How does Tomcat view
> contexts?
> The meaning of 'A = 32' varies depending on whether the context is C or
> Pascal.
> English is such a wonderful language, especially as a second one.
> > > Where is the referal to a document that
> > > can explain these things ( the file "Tomcat: A
> > > Minimalistic User's Guide", is not found)?
> >
> > RTFM:
> You're quick with the put down and smart assed answers but, you don't hand
> someone the OED if they ask you how to use a specific word. I've been
> finding a lot of misleading and incorrect information in the pile
> of manure
> that Java calls operational documentation. Pointing me back to that same
> pile of manure is less than helpful. Do you *really* know the
> answers or are
> you a troll?
> I'm looking for a process model here. I've found a lot of detail but, no
> model. Like trying to derive an elephant by only seeing the
> trunk. I want to
> see what the whole elephant looks like.
> > > 4) "Workers Type" is almost meaningless in light
> > > of item 3. Sometimes, stating the obvious, at
> > > least once, is a good thing.
> >
> > How about this for obvious: (from the Workers HOWTO)
> >
> > "
> > worker . worker name . type =<worker type> Where worker name
> > is the name
> > assigned to the worker and the worker type is one of the four types
> > defined in the table (a worker name may not contain any space (a good
> > naming convention for queue named should follow the Java
> > variable naming
> > rules).
> How does a worker relate to the calling program? What does the calling
> program have to do and how does it know which worker it has? Look
> at it from
> the outside. Why am I doing this?
> > > 5) "Setting Worker Properties" Same complaint as
> > > item 4.
> > What properties do you want to set to what values? Read the Workers
> > HOWTO to figure out what properties might be applicable.
> As we already established, the Workers HOW-to is borked.
> > > 7) The discussion of JNI properties should include
> > > a one paragraph description of what JNI is.
> >
> > google JNI
> >
> > Guess what: the Tomcat connector doesn't give you a tutorial
> > on the Java
> > programming language either.
> I already got that from
> That was a suggestion, do you know what "suggestions" are?
> > > 8) "Classpath" - There is no tomcat.jar file to be
> > > found anywhere in the 4.1.29 directory tree.
> >
> > That's correct. A legitimate complaint! Hey, someone change
> > that path in
> > the HOWTO!
> So, WTF does it change to? Do you really know or are you just here to be
> nasty to people? Did you really look and note that there are TWO paths
> pointing to files of the same name but differrent sizes?
> > > 9) All references to "*\jre\bin\classic" are
> > > broken. Such a path does not exist in the tomcat
> > > 4.1.29 directory tree.
> >
> > Right you are! That puppy comes with the JRE, not Tomcat.
> Gee whiz, you get a brownie point. The point is that the Tomcat
> dox are not
> correct. What's the proper value? If Sun changes the JRE then isn't Tomcat
> obligated to follow the JRE? Does that mean that I can't use the newer JRE
> with Tomcat? Where in the dox does it say so? In fact, the dox
> specifically
> state that it does work. However, it apparently doesn't. The dox lie in
> parts, which part is wrong, the JRE or Tomcat?
> > Here's one thing you're right about: the documentation for the JNI
> > connector is quite confusing and out of date. It's probably not well
> > kept because pretty much nobody uses it. We should also
> > mention that in
> > the HOWTO.
> No it doesn't.
> > Look. Instead of getting all pissed off and venting all your
> > issues to
> > the newsgroup, why not express your frustration in a
> > (shorter) post and
> > ask for some help. Also, check the group archives. There's a lot of
> > stuff in there that hasn't been distilled into a HOWTO,
> > mostly because
> > (and I must reiterate) people aren't getting paid to do this.
> Because I knew I was going to a get either a response like yours or dead
> silence. I've already posted simple questions earlier this week. They were
> summarily ignored. So, I wrote up all the issues in one nice consistent
> document. Normal escalation procedure, IMHO.
> Yes, I don't expect the dox to be perfect. But, I do expect whatever dox
> there are to be accurate. If they are inaccurate then they are better off
> being removed completely and the Tomcat group admitting that such
> configuration isn't supported yet. Otherwise the Tomcat project
> looses much
> credibility with both technical and management staff. The key dox
> I need are
> far from accurate, as I've proven. What are the correct answers and where
> can they be found?
> > If you really feel like it would cost your company less money
> > to hire a
> > contractor to come in and do this task, consider hiring
> > someone like me.
> > I'll be glad to do it for you. Are you in the Washington,
> > D.C. area perhaps?
> Lesse, you hit me over the head with a mallet and *then* you want
> me to hire
> you?
> I figure that's worth about 8USD per hour and you have to pay your own
> expenses for daily on-site visits.
> It doesn't sound like you have much Win2K time anyway.
> If this is a test of how I react to trolls, did I pass?
> -
> R O E L A N D  M J   M E Y E R
> Neuchatel, Switzerland
> Yahoo Messenger: roeland_meyer
> Running Tomcat 4.1.29 under Windows 2K Advanced Server.
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