I'm running Tomcat 4.1.27 standalone on Windows XP Pro using IE.

I've been developing my first web application in JSP with some success--then I decided 
to converted it into servlets. [sigh...]

I tried following the examples in Dustin Callaway's INSIDE SERVLETS, Second Edition.  
The structure he proposes for the servlet is simple enough (detail omitted):

1. session = request.getSession(true);

2. if (session.isNew()), then output an HTML page.  In this case, the page contains a 
form with my servlet as the ACTION destination.

3. Else (i.e., if not isNew()), process whatever the form returned.

My problem is that if I print session, then I find that everytime I enter the servlet, 
I have a different session.  If I print the result of getRequestedSessionId(), it's 
differnt too. Also, I've tried doing a session.setAttribute(), but it's always null on 
the return to the servlet. This all implies that I'm constantly getting a different 
session object.

getMaxInactiveInterval() = 1800, so the session isn't being artificially invalidated 
by a ultra-short timeout.

Any suggestions?

Merrill Cornish

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