
I consulted with the developers and they said we don't use or do
anything that you suggested except we do use tomcat's connection pooling
for oracle.

Okay, that's good. Sometimes, people don't use connection pooling or do it improperly, and leave Connection objects lying around. SQL Connection objects do not clean themselves up nicely, if they even clean themselves up...

We are running Sun j2sdk1.4.2_02 with the Concurrent Mark
Sweep GC with -Xmx512m. I currently use the verbose logging for GC
times.  The odd thing is that it does not seem to progressively go up
but rather spike up with high GC times and the full GC will not clean
anything out.

Hmm... that's a little odd. You say you get huge, sudden spikes from which the GC cannot recover? That sounds like bad news. Do you have any data on which pieces of code (servlets, JSPs, actions) are being executed when this happens? Consider adding a request logger filter to see what might be causing the spike...


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