It seems the problem with this lies with JRE1.4. When we loaded 1.3 and ran it, it 
worked. Anyone know of a workaround for the exec method hanging when using JRE 1.4 
(besides using 1.3).


-----Original Message-----
From: Karl Coleman 
Sent: Monday, December 01, 2003 11:02 AM
Subject: Windows Serive Permissions?

I have a command-line utility I am running that converts files into PDF. Here is the 
line we're using to run the program:

Process proc = Runtime.getRuntime().exec("cmd.exe /c C:\\BatchPDF.exe 
"+rtfFile.getAbsolutePath()+" "+pdfFile.getAbsolutePath());

The problem is, it only runs if Tomcat was started from the startup.bat file. If 
Tomcat is running as a service, which is how we want it, it does not run. We set up 
Tomcat to run under administrator with no luck. We are guessing this is a file 
permissions problem, either from running it as a Windows service or with Tomcat 
itself. Any ideas would be appreciated.


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