The source code must be on the client machine, in an eclipse project.  The binary 
build of it will be in your normal web application, in a jar file in WEB-INF\lib or as 
a .class file under WEB-INF\classes

You call the servlet as you normally would, by its mapping that is specified in your 
web.xml.  If you can access the servlet that is running on the Tomcat server via a 
browser, then that is what you do when debugging as well.

I do not understand your question about where the debug information is.  If compiled 
correctly, your servlet's .class file will contain debug information.  Or, are you 
asking where the JPDA settings are?  They are in,  look for the text 
"-Xdebug ..."  Do a google search or search sun's site for more specific information 
on that.  
Or, are you asking how to attach a debugging process using Eclipse?  After you have 
the source of your servle loaded in and the breakpoints set, Go to Run | Debug... then 
double click on "Remote Java Application".  This should create a run configuration for 
your servlet code.  Make sure you change the host field to point to your tomcat 
server, and the port to 8000(it looks like that is the default address for debugging 

Then hit apply and/or the debug button, and you should be running.  You can tell if 
you successfully attached to the Tomcat process if you get switched to the debugging 
perspective and some threads start getting listed in the threads window.

Then you use a browser to hit your servlet.

>>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 12/5/03 10:39:07 AM >>>
Thanks Jeff
But, I have one question... The servlet code must be in server machine or client 
machine?Or two machines?  I call client machine the machine that has eclipse. And I 
must call servlet in with server url? Moreover, where is the debug information? 

Jeff Tulley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
For debugging servlets, you simply start Tomcat up on the server machine in jpda mode, 
make sure you have a project in eclipse with all of your servlet code (compile with 
debug information, which in my eclipse is the default), and put a breakpoint in the 
servlet code. Connect to the Tomcat debug process. Then, hit the servlet with a 
browser, and your debugger should stop at your breakpoint no problem.

JSPs are trickier since the source code is generated at runtime. You CAN pull in the 
.java file from the tomcat work directory, put it in your project, and maybe have some 
luck at getting a breakpoint set. (I do not know if it would be compiled with debug 
information or not though. You could use a precompilation script to guarantee this). 
There might be some Eclipse plugins that do JSP source-level debugging now, though I 
haven't seen one.

If you have to debug servlet init code, that is a bit trickier, though not much. 
Simply change, where it has the JPDA arguments, changing "suspend=n" to 
"suspend=y". Then the Tomcat java process will start up and immediately suspend itself 
until you connect with the debugger and resume the process.

For servlets, there is nothing too different than debugging any other plain java code.

>>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 12/5/03 8:26:12 AM >>>
I read the message in tomcat-user list about eclipse, tomcat and jpda, but i don't 
understand very well. I have two machines, one is a tomcat server and the other 
machine is my workstation. I execute tomcat with "./ jpda run" and i can 
connect with eclipse when I try to debug. This is a client machine. But, I don't debug 
anything. The project to debug where would it stay??? In server or client machine??? 
Moreover, how can i execute the jsp or sevlet??? With URL http://server:8080/ ????

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